I haven't been happy every day lately. I've been mixed up and pissed off at some things going on in my life and what's worse is that I don't know how right I am to feel that way. If I'm not sure if what I am feeling is justified but it sure feels like it. I'm not sure if some of what I'm feeling isn't a result of the pressure I'm under lately with work being so busy, the house being worked on and the pregnancy being officially super uncomfortable. I don't know. I just know it hurts and I'm tired of hurting about this particular thing. Really tired of it. I just want to walk away from it all and close the door on it.
I'm doing okay as long as I can manage to get some sleep. Getting sleep means successfully sleeping in a semi-sitting up position throughout the night and not waking up with a mouthful of stomach content gagging me and burning my throat. It's been like this since 26 weeks, so that's the last 10 weeks or so.
Walking is difficult. The pain in my cervix becomes pretty sharp after a short distance and I soon find myself looking for places to sit down and rest. I also get bouts of extreme exhaustion. Bending over has pretty much become a thing of the past and the only way I can reach my feet is to prop my ass up against a wall and spread my legs so that I can somehow reach down to one foot at a time. That's a great description of how I shaved my legs last week!
I know I'm on the homestretch. I know it's just a matter of time now, and I know that I can do this and it's not nearly the hardest thing I've ever done. It's just that this is the hardest thing I'm doing right now. I'm in love with the baby and the movements and the hiccups and everything he's meaning to me. Don't think for a moment that I regret a moment of this, that I am sorry we are doing it, or that I would change one twinge, one lousy night's sleep or one moment of pain. It's just that these discomforts are real, and I want to record and acknowledge them.
Week Thirty Six: Baby may drop into the birth canal | |
You are 36 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 34 weeks)
![]() You may feel contractions of the womb, called Braxton Hicks contractions, which can be used to perform and practice breathing exercises. You may be visiting your caregiver weekly up until the birth. Regular internal exams may begin, to see if your cervix has softened, thinned, dilated or if your baby's head is dropping into the pelvis. Any of these could be signs of impending labor but there are no guarantees and you could be waiting for weeks yet. Your baby is almost ready, a pair of kidneys and the liver has begun processing some waste products, the only organ still to mature is the lungs. ![]() Keep talking - by now he or she can recognize you voice, and may respond to any loud noises with a swift kick out. The average twin birth occurs between 36 and 37 weeks and the babies weigh an average of 5 pounds apiece. A baby's average size is now 18.5 inches (47 cm) and 6 pounds (2700 g). | |