Unfortunately, it's not real. I got a shot in the ass of hCG, the 'pregnancy hormone' last Wednesday, two days before we did the IUI. It forces a timely ovulation. It also makes you feel pregnant. You know, sore boobs, bitchy moods, absentmindedness, and, oh yeah, positive pregnancy tests.
I have to 'test out the trigger' which means I test every couple of days until either:
- It goes totally blank, which means if I get another line, I'm pregnant;
- It starts to get darker, which means I am getting more hCG than was in the shot, and I'm pregnant.
Of course, if it goes blank and stays that way, well.. you know what that means. That means I have a few days of feeling sad and empty, and gear up to do this again next month. Anyhow, this is my 2DPO report.
I'm sorry, but what a mind trip. That would drive me crazy. I've not dealt with the IF-related drug-boots of this and that, but MAN - a prego stick that looked like that would make me really need a glass of wine.