my Self

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Fort St John, BC, Canada
My husband, David, and I had been trying to have a baby since November of 2007. After 'letting things happen', we got the amazing news that we were pregnant in June of 2008. Sadly, that pregnancy ended at 9 weeks with a natural miscarriage. After two more chemical pregnancies, we turned to fertility treatments in 2009. That decision was a disaster, with lousy medical care and poor monitoring. In December of 2009, we made the huge decision to move onto IVF. Things fell into place like magic and we began treatment on January 15, 2010. After a blighted ovum in March, we did a successful FET in June, only to endure another blighted ovum in July. We kept up and underwent another IVF in September/October of 2010 with the arrival of our son, Brogan in July of 2011! After our lovely success (finally) we decided to undertake yet another IVF treatment and hope for a sibling for our little red headed boy. Well... so far it's worked. Our story continues below!

Friday, November 5, 2010

23DPO Beta...

I was literally up half the night worried.  I was worried about today's numbers.  Had nightmares.  I held my breath when the nurse gave me the information.  6060.  That's a great number.... better than I could ever hope for... 

14DPO 138
16DPO 351 - 35.6 hours doubling
21DPO 2826 - 39.9 hours doubling
23DPO 6060 - 43.61 hours doubling

check out if you want to check your own betas.. I love that site.

These numbers are great - no worries about them slowly getting longer with doubling time... that's totally expected as the betas climb.


  1. Best of luck to you that this one is 'the one'. Just found your site. I am also about the same timeframe as you 5w3d today. I just started a blog at if you want to check me out. Just had an ultrasound yesterday and I think I may have another blighted ovum. Betas were really high and only one gestational sac with no yolk sac.

  2. I did check out your site and I can see that you are stressed out. However... I think it's too soon to expect to see much at your ultrasound. Even being out a few days on your cycle can mean your ultrasound at this stage will be off. The embryo grows quickly at this stage, but starts out as a microscopic speck, so it takes a while. I also googled the ultrasound at 5 weeks and not many saw more than a gestational sac. My blighted ovums did not have high numbers, nor did they rise at a good rate. I know nothing is for sure, but until you get to the point where you should see a heartbeat, I wouldn't put much faith in what you are seeing on the screen now. Yes - two or three days can make all the difference. Keep your chin up and distract yourself to pass the time. Good luck -keep me posted, ok?

  3. What a fantastic beta number Sonya!! Any feeling if there are 1,2, or even 3 babies baking? When is your next beta? I am SO excited for you and I really feel this is "IT". Good things DO come to those who wait and are patient. Can't wait to hear more updates girl!!!!

  4. This sounds like great news! Hopefully I will get to use that beta site sometime soon!

  5. Those numbers are awesome! Thanks for the comment on my blog the information was perfect. I really appreciate you taking the time!
